26 octubre, 2013


Working on routines help little kids get in contact with the new language. In general we work on the weather, the date, or children's feeling.
Here we have some activities to learn and revise them.


Weather song for kids. The sun comes up (Dream English Kids)

The weather song, by Maple leave learning.

Vocabulary by Learning chocolate

What's the weather like today song (music from  Bugs 1, Macmillan)

Let's enjoy ourselves with Steve and Maggie, so that we can have a look at the weather in a real context. The video, "What's the weather like? English for Kids. English for Children! has been taken from WOW ENGLISH TV  (You tube). 
I hope you like it.

Game: Click on the picture and play the game.(British Council) 

Time for another game. Look, listen and make pairs.


Days of the week song by Dreamenglish.com

Days of the week song by Kids TV123


Feelings song  for kids, by Dreamenglish.com

The feelings song by Kids TV123.

Let's practice English feelings by Dreamenglish.com

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